Sunday, January 4, 2015

You should write that down...

I know, this hasn't been updated in awhile. There isn't much new with my family, so I didn't think I needed to. Then I got all of these sweet Christmas cards in the mail with family updates and totally felt guilty that I didn't do one. So, here is my Christmas letter, via blog post :) 

I continue to love my job. Every day I get to work with some of my best friends and I have the best classes this year. I am taking some interventionist classes, which are great and I love trying out all the new things in my classroom.  We had a fabulous Christmas break together. J had two weeks off as well so we had lots of time together as a family! Which is particularly fantastic since it seems like we never seem him lately. This is his third year working at Caterpillar and he continues to have his woodworking business, Morton Woodworks. This year had brought great things for his business and holiday orders boomed! We are looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings for both of us. 

 A is loving preschool, her sitter, dance and tumbling! Tumbling and cheer is where she shines though. She got a Hawkeyes cheer outfit for Christmas and immediately stood J with one leg up and hit a pose. The girl know what she wants and she wants to cheer! I have never been one to be pushy with her, but I can see her light up when we go to the gym. And we all know she has the voice for it!  She watches the older girls with such intensity and the 4 year old coach has talked me about letting her join next year. So, that may be on the horizon for this little one! 

Since the beginning A has had quite the personality, but it seems that we've hit the peak of funny things she says. She makes up songs about everything and has become quite the story teller. I am constantly being told "You should write that down", so here it goes! I am sure I will continue adding to the list over the last couple months. 

Daddy: I just love cuddling with you.
A: I love....grapes

In church, talking about how our Bibles look different, but they are all the same. 
A: I have a Bible, but it's all about tiaras. 

9:30pm - she had been in bed for over an hour and J and I were sure she was sleeping.  Suddenly we hear- "Mommmm!!! Mom!! - Do birds eat worms?"

Picking up Aubrey from daycare: 
Sitter: Aubrey told me the family secret! 
Me: What secret? 
Sitter (whispering): She told me the big news.
Me: (whispering): What's the big news?
Sitter: She told me about the baby in your belly. 
Me: There's no baby in my belly.
Sitter: Oh, well I was confused because then she said it was brown. 

Me: What do you want Santa to bring you?
A: A brown baby. Like a real one, from your belly. 
Me: Oh, honey Santa can't bring that.
A: Ok, then I'll just take a cat named Sasha. 
Me: I don't think Santa can bring live gifts on his sled. 
A: Hmm...can I just have some new lipstick then? 

We also had A's first church Christmas program, in which she itched her bottom under her dress and when I tried to get her to stop she lifted her dress clear up to show me where it itched! Yikes. Then when I corrected her (as subtly as I could in front of the whole congregation) she covered her mouth, like Betty Boop and said "Oops". 

Now, for her preschool program. She did great. Singing loudly, paying attention. I was proud. Until they got out the bells...They clearly were supposed to be ringing them to accompany the song. About halfway through, I see Aubrey start glancing down at her dress. She does this two or three times and next thing I know....there they are, down the dress. Yup. that's my daughter, with the bells down her chest.

Barbies have taken over our house. They dance together and sing "Once Upon a Dream" A LOT. 

We also play "teacher", which consists of her reading a book and asking me questions. I love this particularly because I can tell exactly  what happens at preschool.

Her prayers are really sweet. On orphan Sunday we sat in what will hopefully one day be a nursery in the house and prayed, J and I explained that orphans are little boys and girls that don't have mommies or daddies. Her response? 
"Hey! You guys (pointing to J and I) are mommies and daddies. Maybe you can be their mommy and daddy. I can share you guys." 

Each stage is getting better and better! I continue to fall more in love with the person that she is becoming. 

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